When I think of your depression
as a time and place..
I imagine it looks a little something like San Francisco on this cloudy day.
But maybe that’s where I’ve been wrong
Because to me, you always looked like the city
Towering buildings built with so many aspirations
And San Fran’s painted ladies
Signified the part in me
That always looked at you for safety
Knowing we came from the same place
And wanting so bad to withstand earthquakes
And I’ve been wrong
Because coming in from Oakland
On that cloudy day
While crossing San Francisco’s Bay
There was a man
Contemplating whether or not to jump
And no one stopped..
Everyone was so focused on getting to the city
This dream
Of a boy who we want so bad to be our saving..
Is an illusion we made up
Because in reality
That boy wants nothing more than
to escape
With a simple swim in San Francisco’s bay